Terraform Day 8: Project: Modularized Infrastructure Setup

This Blog demonstrates how to modularize Terraform code for a scalable, manageable infrastructure deployment across multiple environments (e.g., dev, QA, production). The key idea is to break down the Terraform code into modules for various infrastructure components like networking, compute, security groups, load balancers, and NAT gateways. This modular approach minimizes manual changes and overhead when switching between environments.

Problem Overview

In typical infrastructure deployments, environments like dev, QA, and production might have different requirements (e.g., dev doesn’t need a load balancer or Route53). Managing these differences with a single Terraform codebase can lead to manual changes, which is inefficient. By breaking the code into modules, you can dynamically include/exclude components based on environment requirements, making the infrastructure easier to manage.


We break the infrastructure into the following modules:

  • Network: VPC, subnets, routing

  • Compute: EC2 instances (public and private)

  • Security Groups (SG): For securing VPC resources

  • NAT: NAT gateway for private instance internet access

  • ELB: Elastic Load Balancers (optional)

  • IAM: Identity and Access Management

Folder Structure

  ├── network
  ├── compute
  ├── sg
  ├── nat
  ├── elb
  ├── iam
  ├── main.tf
  ├── variables.tf
  ├── terraform.tfvars
  └── ec2.tf
  ├── infrastructure.tf
  ├── variables.tf
  ├── terraform.tfvars

Step-by-Step Setup

1. Create Network Module

  1. Files in /modules/network:

    • vpc.tf: Defines the VPC and internet gateway.

    • public_subnets.tf: Public subnets configuration.

    • private_subnets.tf: Private subnets configuration.

    • routing.tf: Routing tables for public and private subnets.

    • variables.tf: Define necessary input variables.

    • outputs.tf: Export important values (e.g., VPC ID, subnet IDs).

    • locals.tf: Set local values for environment or naming conventions.

  2. Import Network Module in Development:

    • In /development/infra.tf, import the network module:

        module "dev_vpc_1" {
          source = "../modules/network"
          # Specify the necessary variables
          vpc_cidr = var.vpc_cidr
  3. Deploy the Network Module:

     cd development
     terraform init
     terraform fmt
     terraform validate
     terraform apply

2. Configure for Production

  • Copy Files: Copy the infrastructure setup from development to production.

    • Ensure variable values are updated (e.g., CIDR blocks should not overlap between environments).
  • Customize Values: Modify terraform.tfvars and variables.tf in the production folder to match production settings (e.g., CIDR range, environment = "production").

cd production
terraform init
terraform fmt
terraform apply

3. Add Security Groups Module

  1. Create /modules/sg:

  2. Import in Development:

    • Add the security group module to development's infra.tf:

        module "dev_sg_1" {
          source = "../modules/sg"
          vpc_id = module.dev_vpc_1.vpc_id
  3. Deploy SG Module:

     cd development
     terraform get
     terraform apply
  4. Replicate for Production: Similarly, copy the security group module to production, making necessary adjustments.

4. EC2 (Compute) Module

  1. Create /modules/compute:

    • private_ec2.tf: For private EC2 instances.

    • public_ec2.tf: For public EC2 instances.

    • variables.tf: Define EC2-related variables.

    • outputs.tf: Export EC2 instance IDs or other resources.

  2. Deploy in Development: Add EC2 configuration in development/ec2.tf, referencing the module:

     module "dev_compute_1" {
       source = "../modules/compute"
       vpc_id = module.dev_vpc_1.vpc_id
  3. Replicate for Production: Follow the same process for production, customizing as needed.

5. NAT Gateway Module

  1. Create /modules/nat:

  2. Deploy NAT in Development and Production:

    • Ensure the NAT module is added in both environments, with appropriate changes in terraform.tfvars.

Final Steps

  • Destroy: To clean up, run the following in both environments:

      cd production
      terraform destroy -auto-approve
      cd development
      terraform destroy -auto-approve

Key Terraform Commands

  • Format and Validate:

      terraform fmt
      terraform validate
  • Initialize:

      terraform init
  • Apply Changes:

      terraform apply
  • Check State:

      terraform state list

Notes on Output Values

The output.tf files in each module play a crucial role in passing data between modules. For example, the VPC module exports the vpc_id, which is consumed by the Security Group module and EC2 module. This modular approach helps ensure that all components are properly linked, and their dependencies are clear.


This repository demonstrates how to efficiently manage and deploy infrastructure across multiple environments using Terraform modules. By breaking infrastructure code into reusable modules, we reduce complexity, manual work, and potential errors, leading to a more scalable and maintainable solution.