In this Blog, we explore how to enable logging in Terraform using environment variables, how to handle sensitive information such as passwords, and how to integrate AWS Secrets Manager for securely storing sensitive data. We also demonstrate deploying an RDS MySQL instance with Terraform.
Topics Covered
Enabling TF_LOG for Debugging
Working with Sensitive Information
Using AWS Secrets Manager with Terraform
Deploying RDS MySQL Instance
Enabling TF_LOG
Terraform provides the TF_LOG
environment variable for controlling log verbosity. You can choose from different levels like TRACE
, and ERROR
Steps to Enable TF_LOG
1. Set TF_LOG for Detailed Trace Logs
To enable detailed trace logging:
$env:TF_LOG = "TRACE"
terraform apply --auto-approve
export TF_LOG="TRACE"
terraform apply --auto-approve
This level logs every action, providing a complete picture of the Terraform execution process.
2. Set TF_LOG for Error-Level Logging
For logging only errors:
$env:TF_LOG = "ERROR"
terraform apply --auto-approve
export TF_LOG="ERROR"
terraform apply --auto-approve
This is useful when you only want to capture critical issues without unnecessary verbosity.
3. Write Logs to a File
To save the logs for future reference or debugging, you can direct them to a file:
$env:TF_LOG = "TRACE"
$env:TF_LOG_PATH = "./logs/terraform.log"
terraform apply --auto-approve
export TF_LOG="TRACE"
export TF_LOG_PATH="./logs/terraform.log"
terraform apply --auto-approve
The logs will be written to terraform.log
in the specified directory (./logs
), ensuring you don't lose critical debugging information
Log Levels in TF_LOG
Terraform supports various log levels for different use cases:
TRACE: Detailed logs for debugging.
DEBUG: Logs for in-depth insights into operations.
INFO: General logs to understand the flow.
WARN: Logs for warnings during operations.
ERROR: Logs for critical errors only.
Handling Sensitive Information
When working with sensitive data like usernames and passwords, it is important to avoid hardcoding them in the Terraform scripts. Instead, use variables marked as sensitive
In your
variable "username" {
type = string
sensitive = true
variable "password" {
type = string
sensitive = true
Storing Passwords Securely with AWS Secrets Manager
To securely store and retrieve sensitive information like passwords, you can use AWS Secrets Manager.
Generate a random password:
resource "random_password" "db_password" { length = 16 special = true override_special = "_!%^" }
Store the password in AWS Secrets Manager:
resource "aws_secretsmanager_secret" "db_secret" { name = "test-db-password" } resource "aws_secretsmanager_secret_version" "db_secret_version" { secret_id = secret_string = random_password.db_password.result }
Deploying RDS MySQL Instance
Retrieve the password when deploying RDS:
data "aws_secretsmanager_secret" "db_secret" { name = "test-db-password" } data "aws_secretsmanager_secret_version" "db_secret_version" { secret_id = }
Create a subnet group:
resource "aws_db_subnet_group" "test_subnet_group" { name = "test-db-subnet-group" subnet_ids = [,,, ] tags = { Name = "Test DB subnet group" } }
Deploy the RDS instance:
resource "aws_db_instance" "test_db_instance" { identifier = "testdb" allocated_storage = 20 storage_type = "gp2" engine = "mysql" engine_version = "8.0.39" instance_class = "db.t3.micro" username = "adminuser" password = data.aws_secretsmanager_secret_version.db_secret_version.secret_string publicly_accessible = true db_subnet_group_name = }
Connecting to RDS via MySQL Workbench:
In AWS Console, go to RDS > Databases > testdb and copy the endpoint
In MySQL Workbench, use:
<copied endpoint>
Username: adminuser
make sure port 3306 is open in security GroupPassword: Fetch from AWS Secrets Manager.
Connected successfully
Destroy the Infrastructure
After testing, remember to clean up:
terraform destroy --auto-approve
Interview Tip: Handling Sensitive Information
When asked how to handle sensitive information in Terraform, you can explain that Terraform can integrate with AWS Secrets Manager to securely store and retrieve sensitive data. Sensitive variables should be defined in Terraform to avoid exposing sensitive information directly in the code.