Load balancing with Nginx

Load balancing with Nginx


6 min read

Configuring an alternative Load balancer for the 3-tier application

Architecture diagram

We have previously configured a load balancer to manage traffic to each of the web servers using Apache Load Balancer. We will also configure an alternative Load balancer solution with NGINX Load Balancer. As a Devops engineer, it is important to be well versed with different tools for doing the same job.

We will configure the NGINX Load Balancer on a new server.


  • Basic AWS knowledge

  • Three-tier Web application running


Step 0 Launch an EC2 instance

  • Launch a t2.micro sized ubuntu instance 24.04 LTS on AWS named nginx-lb with the security group lb-sg that we created. The load balancer allows inbound access on port 80 and port 443 from everywhere on the internet. It also allows SSH access on port 22 to access the server for configurations.


A larger instance may be needed in production settings for a load balancer. Reasons why you may want to increase instance size can be found in my write-up on the subject.

nginx-lb running

Ensure all the webserver instances, DB-server instance and NFS server instance are running.

  • Connect to the nginx-lb EC2 instance via SSH. Update the /etc/hosts file for local DNS and their local IP addresses.

Open the file:

sudo vi /etc/hosts

Add the following lines to resolve the IP address of our webserver1, webserver2 and webserver3 into web01, web02 and web03 respectively., and

[Web2 Public IP] web01
[Web2 Public IP] web02
[Web1 Public IP] web03 web01 web02 web03

nginx-lb etc host file

Step 1 Install nginx

  • Install nginx on the server as follows:
# Update apt repository

sudo apt update -y && sudo apt upgrade -y

# Install nginx
sudo apt install nginx -y

# Check that nginx is running 
sudo systemctl status nginx

nginx running

When accessed through the public IP:

nginx web server running 2

Step 1 Configure nginx as a load balancer.

Nginx uses the /etc/nginx/conf.d/ directory for including additional configuration files. This is a convention adopted by Nginx to keep the main configuration file (nginx.conf) clean and modular.

We will create a new configuration file in the conf.d directory named webserver-lb.conf

sudo vi /etc/nginx/conf.d/webserver-lb.conf

We will configure nginx-lb using the web servers names defined in the etc/hosts file.

Add the following to the configuration file:

# Define the group of application servers
upstream app_servers {
    server web01 weight=5;
    server web02 weight=5;
    server web03 weight=5;

server {
    listen 80;
    server_name example.com; # Replace this with the public IP or domain name of the server

    location / {
        proxy_pass http://app_servers;
        proxy_set_header Host $host;
        proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;

first nginx config

If we check the public IP of nginx with the above configuration, we will still see the nginx default page. Hence, we must replace the example.com with the public IP of nginx.

nginx config with IP

The weight=5 parameter is used for weighted round-robin load balancing. Since all servers have the same weight, the traffic will be distributed equally among them.

Restart Nginx and make sure the service is up and running

sudo systemctl restart nginx
sudo systemctl status nginx

Step 2 Register a new domain name and configure secured connection using SSL/ TLS certificates

We will make the necessary configurations to make connection to the web application secured.

  • To get a valid SSL certificate, you should register a new domain name. I have a free registered subdomain from AfraidDns for test purposes - laraadeboye.mooo.com

We will allocate an elastic IP to our EC2 (nginx-lb) instance to preserve the IP and prevent it from changing after each reboot.

To allocate an elastic IP to the EC2 instance,

  • Navigate to the EC2 Dashboard

  • In the console, find and click on EC2 under the "Services" menu.

  • In the left navigation pane, click on Elastic IPs.

  • Click on the Allocate Elastic IP address button.

      Actions > Allocate Elastic IP address
  • Choose VPC or EC2 from the drop-down list based on where your instance is located.

  • Click Allocate to confirm your choice.

      Actions > Associate Elastic IP address
  • In the association dialog:

    • For Resource type, select Instance.

    • From the Instance drop-down, choose your desired EC2 instance which is our nginx-lb

    • Optionally, select a specific Private IP address if your instance has multiple private IPs.

    • Click on Associate to complete the process.

  • Verify the Association

    • Go back to the Instances section in the EC2 Dashboard.

    • Select your EC2 instance and check its details at the bottom of the page.

    • You should see the associated Elastic IP listed under Public IPv4 address.

elastic IP assigned

Elastic IP associated

  • Update the A record in your registrar to point to nginx-lb Elastic IP address. Verify that the web servers can be reached from the address using the HTTP protocol

updating registrar

Update your webserverlb.conf file with the new domain name which in my case is laraadeboye.mooo.com. Remember to restart nginx for the changes to reflect. If you only update the records in your registrar without editting the configuration file, you will see the nginx default page when you attempt to view the domain name from the browser

Nginx default page when the configuration file is not updated

view without edditting conf

update conf file with domain name

Now we can view the application from our domain name:

now we can view the application from our domain

We can also login to our application with the username and password:

logged in success

  • Next, we will install certbot and request for an SSL/TLS certificate
sudo apt-get update

# Ensure snapd service is active and running
sudo systemctl status snapd

# Install certbot, follow the prompt 
sudo snap install --classic certbot
sudo ln -s /snap/bin/certbot /usr/bin/certbot
sudo certbot --nginx

This command sudo certbot --nginx will look for your domain name in nginx configuration files including those in conf.d files

certbox finds the name

Now we can access our web application on the secured HTTPS protocol.

Certificate deployed

  • Test secured access to your web application using the HTTPS protocol.

View HTTPS website

Click on the padlock icon. You will see details of the certificate issued for the website.

padlock icon

Set up periodical renewal of your SSL/TLS certificate. It is recommended to renew certificate frequently , every 60 days or less because LetsEncrypt is valid for 90days

Test the renewal command in dry-run mode:

sudo certbot renew --dry-run

renew dry run

It is best practice to schedule a cron job on the server that renews the certificate periodically: We can set a cron job as shown:

Edit the crontab file:

crontab -e

Assuming we want to schedule the cron job for certbot to run on the first day of every month. Add the following to the end of the crontab file:

0 0 1 * *  root /usr/bin/certbot renew > /dev/null 2>&1

crontab renew


We implemented an Nginx Load Balancer for our three-tier web application with secured HTTPS connection with periodically updated SSL/TLS certificates.
