Deploying Super Mario on Kubernetes

Deploying Super Mario on Kubernetes

Relive the nostalgia of 90s gaming by deploying the classic Super Mario on Amazon EKS using Kubernetes! This guide walks you through the steps to bring Mario’s adventures to life, leveraging the scalability and reliability of Kubernetes.


  • Ubuntu instance

  • IAM role

  • Installed: Terraform, AWS CLI, Kubectl

Steps to Deploy

1. Launch an Ubuntu Instance

  • Log in to the AWS Console and navigate to EC2.

  • Launch a new instance with:

    • AMI: Ubuntu

    • Instance Type: t2.micro

    • Storage: 8G


  • Attach a security group with necessary access rules


2. Create an IAM Role

  • Go to IAM > Roles and create a role:

    • Entity: AWS Service

    • Use Case: EC2

    • Policy: Administrator Access (for learning only)

  • Attach the role to your EC2 instance for cluster provisioning.

3. Set Up the Environment

  • SSH into the instance using MobaXterm or PuTTY.

  • Clone the repo:

      git clone
      cd Super-mario-EKS  
      sudo chmod +x  

    This script installs Terraform, AWS CLI, Kubectl, and Docker.

  • Verify installations:

      docker --version  
      aws --version  
      kubectl version --client  
      terraform --version

4. Provision the Kubernetes Cluster

  • Navigate to the Terraform directory:

      cd EKS-TF  
      terraform init  
      terraform validate  
      terraform plan  
      terraform apply --auto-approve
  • Update your Kubernetes configuration:

      aws eks update-kubeconfig --name EKS_CLOUD --region ap-south-1

5. Deploy Mario

Now change directory back to k8s-mario

cd ..
  • Apply deployment and service YAMLs:

      kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml  
      kubectl apply -f service.yaml
  • Get the LoadBalancer Ingress URL:

      kubectl describe service mario-service
  • Open the URL in a browser to play the game! 🎮


  • Remove resources:

      kubectl delete service mario-service  
      kubectl delete deployment mario-deployment  
      terraform destroy --auto-approve

Enjoy the perfect blend of nostalgia and modern technology with this fun deployment! Until next time, happy gaming! 👾