Table of contents
No headings in the article.
PACKER ALL LAB FILES HERE : https://github.com/saikiranpi/packer.git
1- Automation of AMI Creation Using Packer 2- Secure AMI creation Using Inspector. 1 – Secure AMI creation Using Inspector:
Create an EC2 instance and install nginx init from User data. Make sure you are giving the tags as app = Nginx.
Download Inspector and Give permissions and install Inspector.
Meanwhile comeback to console and configure INSPECTOR (Scanning Will take for 15 min )
Assessment target > Create > Name optional >
Use tags App: nginx – Save
Open amazon inspector > Go to classic Inspector.
Assessment templates > Create Name > target (you should select the name you have given)
Rile packages > network – security – common vulnerability – CIS operating system.(Central Operating system)
It will take some time leave it like that .
3- Automation of AMI Creation Using Packer Creation of AMI :
Create a Ec2
Login and install/configure all application
Shutdown the machine
Create AMI image from the machine
Check the AMI
Delete the machine Now we can automate all the steps guys, Daily we cant do all these manually. For achieving these we shall Using Hashicorp packer and terraform.
Download packer from Packer.io > Binary file > Save it in C dire > Copy the path.
And follow the steps.
Go to Control Panel -> System -> System settings -> Environment Variables. Scroll down in system variables until you find PATH. Click edit and change accordingly. BE SURE to include a semicolon at the end of the previous as that is the delimiter, i.e. c:\path;c:\path2 Launch a new console for the settings to take effect.
Now I need Two files , create 1 as packer. Json and copy the code from terraform single instance GitHub and do necessary changes.
Now you need access key and secrete key, for that go to IAM > User > name > Attach existing policy > ec2fullaccess > Create security Credentials and paste it on a variable file
AMI – VPC – subnet > Copy Ami from the region.
Now run the packer with the commands. Wrong command
Packer.exe validate –var-file packer-vars.json packer.json
$ packer.exe inspect --var-file packer-vars.json packer.json